;" 101 ways not to get pregnant - Bangla Choda Chudi 69 | | বাংলা চটি | | চটি কাহিনী ১৮+

101 ways not to get pregnant

Well OK, maybe 101 was a bit of an exaggeration but follow these suggestions and you will stand a good chance of not getting pregnant...
Don't have sex without a condom - If you do you will not only stand a good chance of getting pregnant you will also be at risk of catching a nasty sexually transmitted infection!
Don't miss a daily contraceptive pill - It is advisable to use condoms and the pill together. However, if you do just use the pill you will risk pregnancy if you forget to take one or more. If this happens, you must use condoms and the pill for the rest of the pill cycle.
Don't take your daily contraceptive pill at irregular times - This lowers the effectiveness of the pill so you should always take it at the same time each day.
Don't have unprotected sex during.........Continue
101 ways not to get pregnant 101 ways not to get pregnant Reviewed by Mr X on March 18, 2013 Rating: 5

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